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1. Is your number one priority keeping your clients free from injury even if it means that you will not train them as hard as other trainers or members of the biggest loser?
True   False
2. Is this the correct description of how to do a barbell squat and is the form on the video correct? Rest a barbell on the upper portion of your back, not your neck. Firmly grip the bar with your hands almost twice your shoulder width apart. Position your feet about shoulder width apart and your toes should be pointing just a little outward with your knees in the same direction. Keep your back as straight as possible and your chin up, bend your knees and slowly lower your hips straight down until your THIGHS ARE PARALLEL TO THE FLOOR. Once you reach the bottom position, press the weight up back to the starting position. Don't lean over or curve your back forward! You can use a Belt to help reduce the chance of lower back injury. WATCH VIDEO: http://www.modeltrainers.com/description.php?id=2&muscle=QUADS
True   False
3. Is the main element of your clients health and recovery based on their individual sleep needs with positive outcomes in muscle repair, heart health, reducing stress, improving memory, controlling weight gain, reducing the chances of diabetes and other devastating diseases, improving mood disorders, joint repair, and keeping your fat storage hormones levels down to name a few?
True   False
4. Is it important for your clients to be on an intelligent stretching program before, during, and after their workouts? WATCH VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5vJdTc0CeY
True   False
  Is it important for your clients to be on an intelligent multiple small meal eating program, possibly put together by a physician or registered dietician that incorporates fresh fruits, vegetables, and lean protein sources while staying away from high amounts of fat, sugar, alcohol, and of course recreational drugs?
True   False
5. Is this the correct description of how to do a Flat Dumbbell Press and is the form on the video correct? Lie on a flat bench and firmly position your feet flat on the floor a little more than shoulder width apart. Keep your back flat on the bench! Using a grip broader than shoulder width, hold the barbell above your body, then lower slowly to the middle of your chest. Without bouncing the weight off your chest, drive the barbell up over the middle of your chest until your arms are straight and your elbows are locked. Lower the bar down slowly. WATCH VIDEO: http://www.modeltrainers.com/description.php?id=2&muscle=CHEST
True   False
6. Is it a good idea to have your clients, if approved by their physcian and dietician, to be on an intelligent multi vitamin, antioxident, and essential fatty acid program?
True   False
7. Is this the correct description of how to do a LYING LEG CURL and is the form on the video correct? Follow the machines directions exactly. Lie face down on a leg-curl machine and hook your heels under the roller pad. Your legs should be stretched out straight so that the pads rest on the back of your ankles. Grasp the handles under the bench for support. Remaining flat on the bench, curl your legs up until your hamstrings are fully contracted. Release and lower the weight slowly back to the starting position. Concentrate on using a full range of motion and do not SWING the weight up. You can point your toes to intensify the burn in your hamstrings. WATCH VIDEO: http://www.modeltrainers.com/description.php?id=5&muscle=HAMSTRINGS
True   False
8. Should your clients stay well hydrated, possibly drinking water with each meal and during their workouts or cardio sessions and does this article seem to hold true? "Are you drinking enough water? According to a University of Washington study, 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated. For 37% of Americans, the thirst mechanism is so weak that it is often mistaken for hunger. Even MILD dehydration will slow down one’s metabolism as much as 3%. • One glass of water shuts down midnight hunger pangs for almost 100% of the dieters studied. • The lack of water is the number one trigger for daytime fatigue. • Preliminary research indicates that 8-10 glasses of water per day could significantly ease back and joint pain for up to 80% of sufferers. • A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy short-term memory, trouble with basic math, and difficulty focusing on the computer screen or on a printed page."
True   False
9. Is this the correct description of how to do a CABLE PULLDOWN and is the form on the video correct? Start with your legs positioned snugly under the kneepads of a Pulldown machine. Your feet should be flat on the floor. Grasp the wide bar firmly with an overhand grip. Your hands should be almost twice your shoulder width apart. Pull the bar down on top of your chest, arching your back slightly. Focus on keeping your elbows directly below the bar. Pause briefly with the bar in position right on top of your collarbone. Slowly raise the bar back to the starting position. Do NOT lean back too far and pull the weight down using your body weight! WATCH VIDEO: http://www.modeltrainers.com/description.php?id=6&muscle=BACK
True   False
10. You should not make sure your clients warm up, stretch, and preform all the injury preventiobn measures before starting each and every workout?
True   False
11. Is this the correct description of how to do a barbell squat and is the form on the video correct? Sit on a bench with a straight back, feet flat on the floor, and back firmly against the bench. Is this the correct description of how to do a barbell squat and is the form on the video correct? Grasp one end of a dumbbell with both hands (palms up) and raise it above your head, locking the elbows. With your elbows held in place and squared, slowly lower the dumbbell behind your head until you feel a stretch in your triceps. Press the weight back up, following a slight arc until the elbows lock and the weight is once again about your head. WATCH VIDEO: http://www.modeltrainers.com/description.php?id=5&muscle=TRICEPS
True   False
12. If you clients perform proper breathing techniques, deep breaths in on the EZ part of the exercise and deep breaths out on the DIFFICULT part of every repetition, will your clients protect themselves from raising their blood pressure to dangerous levels while increasing their performance and safety?
True   False
13. Is this the correct description of how to do a barbell curl and is the form on the video correct? With your hands shoulder-width apart, grip a barbell with an underhand grip. Stand straight up with your shoulders squared and with your feet shoulder-width apart. Let the bar hang down at arm's length in front of you, with your arms, shoulders and hands in a straight line. WITHOUT leaning back or swinging the weight, curl the bar up toward your chest in an arc. Keep your elbows in the same place and close to your sides. Bring the weight up as high as you can and squeeze the biceps at the top. Lower the weight slowly, resisting all the way down until your arms are nearly straight. WATCH VIDEO: http://www.modeltrainers.com/description.php?id=1&muscle=BICEPS
True   False
14. Is this the correct description of how to do a machine calf raise and is the form on the video correct? Follow the machines directions exactly. Stand with your toes on the block of a standing-calf-raise machine and your heels hanging off the end of the platform. Hook your shoulders under the pads and straight your legs, lifting the weight clear of the support. Do not hunch, but rather keep your body straight. Keeping your legs straight, lower your heels and the weight as far as possible toward the floor. Rise up on your toes on your toes as far as possible. Hold the contraction briefly, then slower return to the starting position. You can also point your toes in or out to vary the area of emphasis in your calf muscle. WATCH VIDEO: http://www.modeltrainers.com/description.php?id=2&muscle=CALVES
True   False
15. Is this the correct description of how to do a barbell standing military press and is the form on the video correct? Grab the barbell with slightly wider than shoulder width overhand grip from the rack. Position the bar near your upper chest. Press the bar until your arms are extended overhead. Return to upper chest and repeat. WATCH VIDEO: http://www.modeltrainers.com/description.php?id=7&muscle=SHOULDERS
True   False
16. Is this the correct description of how to do a barbell squat and is the form on the video correct? Lie flat on your back with your feet flat on the ground, or resting on a bench with your knees bent at a 90 degree angle. If you are resting your feet on a bench, place them three to four inches apart and point your toes inward so they touch. Place your hands lightly on either side of your head keeping your elbows in. Don't lock your fingers behind your head! Push the small of your back down in the floor to isolate your ab muscles. Begin to roll your shoulders off the floor. Continue to push down as hard as you can with your lower back. Your shoulders should come up off the floor only about four inches, and your lower back should remain on the floor. Focus on slow, controlled movement - don't cheat yourself by using momentum! WATCH VIDEO: http://www.modeltrainers.com/description.php?id=1&muscle=ABS
True   False
17. Is this the correct description of how to do a Leg Extension and is the form on the video correct? Follow the machines directions exactly. Using a leg extension machine, sit in the seat and hook your feet under the padded bar. Adjust the pad and/or the seat so that your knees hang off the end of the seat and the footpad rest on the lowest part of the shins. Grasp the handles on the machine or the edges of the seat to keep your hips from lifting up as you perform the exercise. Extend your legs until knees are straight, making sure you remain seated flat on the machine. Raise the weight all the way, lock and hold briefly, then slowly lower the weight back to the starting position. Get the full range of motion and feel the muscle being worked during the entire movement. Do not SWING the weight up! WATCH VIDEO: http://www.modeltrainers.com/description.php?id=4&muscle=QUADS
True   False
18. Is this the correct description of how to do an INCLINE BARBBELL PRESS and is the form on the video correct? Set the incline bench at about a 45 degree angle. Sit on the bench with your feet flat on the floor a little more than shoulder width apart. Position your back firmly against the bench. Using a grip slightly wider than shoulder width, hold the bar over your upper chest with your arms straight. Slowly lower the bar and make slight contact with your upper chest area. Drive the weight straight up over your chest until your elbows are locked, or close to it. WATCH VIDEO: http://www.modeltrainers.com/description.php?id=4&muscle=CHEST
True   False
19. Is this the correct description of how to do a DUMBBELL FRONT LUNGE and is the form on the video correct? Hold a dumbbell in each hand and pull your shoulders back. Lift your chest up and look straight ahead. Position your right leg forward in a long stride. Your foot should be far enough in front of you so that when you bend your right knee, your thigh and lower leg form a right angle. Slowly bend your knees, lowering your hips so your rear knee just clears the floor. Pause briefly in this position, then slowly straighten your legs and raise your body back up to a standing position. Complete a full set, then switch legs and repeat, or alternate legs for each rep. Make sure your knee does NOT travel past your toes in the down position! WATCH VIDEO: http://www.modeltrainers.com/description.php?id=2&muscle=HAMSTRINGS
True   False
20. "Is this the correct description of how to do a DUMBBELL ONE ARM ROW and is the form on the video correct? Begin with your right foot flat on the floor and your left knee resting on a flat bench. Then lean forward so that you're supporting the weight of your upper body with your left arm on the bench. Your back should be flat, almost parallel with the floor. Reach down and pick up a dumbbell with your right hand. Your left arm should be locked at the elbow so it will support the weight of your upper body. Before starting, look straight ahead instead of at the floor in order to keep your back straight. Tighten your abs to keep your body from turning to the side as you lift the dumbbell. Concentrate on pulling your elbow back as far as it can go. The dumbbell should end up roughly parallel with your torso. After you've rowed the dumbbell up as far as you can, slowly lower it to the starting position. Switch arms after one set. WATCH VIDEO: http://www.modeltrainers.com/description.php?id=2&muscle=BACK
True   False
21. Is this the correct description of how to do a barbell squat and is the form on the video correct?
True   False
22. Is this the correct description of how to do a Machine Leg Press and is the form on the video correct? Sitting on a leg press machine, position your feet together against the crosspiece about should-width apart and toes pointed slightly outward. Grasp the handle grips or sides of the seat. Bend your knees and lower the weight as far as possible without changing the position of your hips. Do not lower the weight so far that your hips start to curl up off the seat! Then slowly push the weight back up using your heels, not your toes. Do not lock your knees at the top, but rather take the weight to just before lock. Then being to lower the weight again SLOWLY. You can change your foot positions to vary the angle on the muscle. WATCH VIDEO: http://www.modeltrainers.com/description.php?id=5&muscle=QUADS
True   False
23. Is this the correct description of how to do DIPS and is the form on the video correct? Same as the Triceps Version, except you are leaning forward, which works more of the lower chest. Using the parallel bars, grip the handles and push yourself up to your starting position. With elbows close to body and hips straight, lower body until shoulders are slightly stretched. Push body up in same posture and repeat. You can bend and cross your legs or keep them straight. WATCH VIDEO: http://www.modeltrainers.com/description.php?id=1&muscle=CHEST
True   False
24. Is this the correct description of how to do a barbell squat and is the form on the video correct? Follow the machines directions exactly. Start by adjusting the machine so that your knees line up with the pivot point of the lever. Place your feet on top of the pad so that the lower part of your calf is on top of the pad. Proceed to pull your feet down towards the floor until you have reached the full range of motion. Return to the starting position and repeat for the desired repetition. WATCH VIDEO: http://www.modeltrainers.com/description.php?id=8&muscle=HAMSTRINGS
True   False
25. Is this the correct description of how to do a PULLUP and is the form on the video correct? Reach up and grab the bar with a firm overhand grip. Your hands should be roughly twice your shoulder width apart. This helps work more of your lats, rather than your biceps. Straighten your arms and let your body hang from the bar. You can keep your legs straight or bend your knees and cross your feet. Slowly pull your body up to the bar so that the top of your chest nearly touches the bar and your chin is over the bar. Try to keep your body straight without arching or swinging. As you move upwards, focus on pulling your elbows down at an angle toward your rib cage. Once your lats have completely contracted at the top, slowly lower your body to the starting position. A spotter can lift your legs slightly if you need help on the last few reps. WATCH VIDEO: http://www.modeltrainers.com/description.php?id=9&muscle=BACK
True   False
26. Do you always take into account your clients age in that you will not train a 50 year old the same as a 25 year old? Would you use a "microincremental" approach in that you will use an intellegent progression in the amount of weight and volume one lifts relative to thieir age, experience, gender, abilities, health, injuries, and goals?
True   False
27. Is this the correct description of how to do a Machine Hack Squat and is the form on the video correct? Follow the machines directions exactly. Lie face up on a hack squat machine with shoulders against pad. Place feet on platform. Your feet should be about 12 inches apart, toes pointed slightly out. Extend hips and knees. Release dock levers. Flex hips and knees to descend until knees are just short of complete flexion. Raise sled by extending knees and hips. Repeat. You can always change your foot widths.WATCH VIDEO: http://www.modeltrainers.com/description.php?id=6&muscle=QUADS
True   False
28. Is this the correct description of how to do a FLAT BARBBELL PRESS and is the form on the video correct? Sit on the edge of a flat bench with dumbbells on your knees. In one smooth motion, roll onto your back while bringing the dumbbells up to a position slightly outside and above your shoulders. Your palm should face forwards. Bend your elbows at a 90 degree angle so that your upper arms are parallel to the ground. Press the weights up over your chest in a triangular motion until they meet above the centerline of your body. As you lift, concentrate on keeping the weights balanced and under control. Then, follow the same path downward until your arms are slightly below parallel to the floor. WATCH VIDEO: http://www.modeltrainers.com/description.php?id=3&muscle=CHEST
True   False
29. "Is this the correct description of how to do a MACHINE ONE LEG CURL and is the form on the video correct? Follow the machines directions exactly. Follow the machines directions exactly. Lie face down on a leg-curl machine and hook ONE heel under the roller pad. Your leg should be stretched out straight so that the pads rest on the back of your ankle. Grasp the handles under the bench for support. Remaining flat on the bench, curl your leg up until your hamstrings are fully contracted. Release and lower the weight slowly back to the starting position. Concentrate on using a full range of motion and do not SWING the weight up. You can point your toe to intensify the burn in your hamstrings. Repeat with other leg. WATCH VIDEO: http://www.modeltrainers.com/description.php?id=10&muscle=HAMSTRINGS
True   False
30. Is this the correct description of how to do a MACHINE CABLE ROW and is the form on the video correct? Sit down at a low-pulley rowing machine with your feet flat against the footrests and your knees slightly bent. Bending only at the waist, lean forward and grasp the pulley handle in front of you. Your palms should be facing each other. Keep your back FLAT and looking forward, slowly draw the handles back to your stomach while simultaneously leaning back at the waist until your torso is perpendicular to the floor. The handles should reach your stomach just as your upper body reaches the upright position. Slowly return to the starting position by leaning forward from the waist while extending your arms in front of you. TO ISOLATE YOUR LATS ONLY do not bend forward at all, just keep your back straight up and down and move only your arms and squeeze your back.WATCH VIDEO: http://www.modeltrainers.com/description.php?id=7&muscle=BACK
True   False
31. Is this the correct description of how to do a Machine Seated Leg Press One Leg and is the form on the video correct? Follow the machines directions exactly. Sit on machine according to machine directions. Place feet on platform. Your feet should be about 12 inches apart, toes pointed slightly out. Extend hips and knees. Release dock levers. Flex hips and knees to descend until knees are just short of complete flexion. Raise sled by extending knees and hips. Repeat. You can always change your foot widths. WATCH VIDEO: http://www.modeltrainers.com/description.php?id=9&muscle=QUADS
True   False
32. Is this the correct description of how to do a MACHINE FLY and is the form on the video correct? Follow the machines directions exactly. Sit at the machine with your back flat on the pad. Place your hands on the lever. Position your upper arms approximately parallel to the ground. Push levers together slowly and squeeze your chest in the middle. Return until chest muscles are stretched fully. Repeat. WATCH VIDEO: http://www.modeltrainers.com/description.php?id=7&muscle=CHEST
True   False
33. Is this the correct description of how to do a MACHINE WALKING LUNGE and is the form on the video correct? Stand with dumbbells grasped to sides. Extend one leg to the front, balance for a second, then move the other leg to the front, balance and repeat. Lower body on other leg by flexing knee and hip of front leg until knee of rear leg is almost in contact with floor. Return to original standing position by extending the hip and knee of the forward leg. Repeat by alternating lunge with opposite leg. Keep torso upright during lunge; flexible hip flexors are important. A long lunge emphasizes the Gluteus Maximums; a short lunge emphasizes Quadriceps. WATCH VIDEO: http://www.modeltrainers.com/description.php?id=3&muscle=HAMSTRINGS
True   False
34. Is this the correct description of how to do a DUMBBELL PULLOVER and is the form on the video correct? Lie flat on a bench, head over the end, with your feet flat on the floor. Lower weights in a semicircular motion towards floor. Go as low as you can without pain. Go back up using the same path. Keep your elbows in! Can also be done with your arms straight, or with two dumbbells (one in each hand). WATCH VIDEO: http://www.modeltrainers.com/description.php?id=4&muscle=BACK
True   False
35. Is this the correct description of how to do a Machine Leg Extension One Leg and is the form on the video correct? Follow the machines directions exactly. Using a leg extension machine, sit in the seat and hook your feet under the padded bar. Adjust the pad and/or the seat so that your knees hang off the end of the seat and the footpad rest on the lowest part of the shins. Grasp the handles on the machine or the edges of the seat to keep your hips from lifting up as you perform the exercise. Extend ONE leg until knee is straight, making sure you remain seated flat on the machine. Raise the weight all the way, just before locking knee and hold briefly, then slowly lower the weight back to the starting position. Get the full range of motion and feel the muscle being worked during the entire movement. Repeat with opposite leg. Do not SWING the weight up! WATCH VIDEO: http://www.modeltrainers.com/description.php?id=10&muscle=QUADS
True   False
36. Is this the correct description of how to do DUMBBELL INCLINE FLYS and is the form on the video correct? Sit on the edge of an incline bench set at about a 45-degree angle. Pick up a dumbbell in each hand and place them on your thighs. Then, one at a time, raise them up to your shoulder level while you press your back and shoulders firmly against the bench. Press the weights back up to a point over your upper chest, with your palms facing forward. Lower the weights slowly. Inhale as you lower the weights and exhale as you lift. http://www.modeltrainers.com/description.php?id=6&muscle=CHEST
True   False
37. Is this the correct description of how to do a barbell squat and is the form on the video correct? Follow the machines directions exactly. Sitting on a leg press machine, position one foot with the top sticking out past the top against the crosspiece in the middle. Grasp the handle grips or sides of the seat. Bend your knees and lower the weight as far as possible without changing the position of your hips. Do not lower the weight so far that your hips start to curl up off the seat! Then slowly push the weight back up using your heels, not your toes. Do not lock your knees at the top, but rather take the weight to just before lock. Then being to lower the weight again SLOWLY. You can change your foot positions to vary the angle on the muscle. Repeat with other leg. WATCH VIDEO: http://www.modeltrainers.com/description.php?id=6&muscle=HAMSTRINGS
True   False
38. Abdominal exercises such as sit ups and crunches strengthen abdominal muscles but do little to reduce fat from that area. Aerobic exercise like walking or bicycling will decrease fat from the tummy better than crunches. Most ab-gizmos advertised on TV come with a low-calorie eating plan that should be followed for maximal abdominal definition and weight loss.
True   False

Skinny people also must exercise. A receptionist brought this up recently when I was in the hospital having some routine tests done. She was very thin and was convinced only overweight people have to exercise. Being thin is not the same thing as being healthy. While it's true that obesity is associated with a number of diseases, the fact remains that skinny people get heart attacks too. This woman was so skinny in fact that I pointed out to her that she might be at risk for osteoporosis.

True   False

We are usually burning a mixture of fats and carbohydrates for energy. The fat-burn program on treadmills and other cardiovascular gym equipment is based on the fact that we burn more fat at lower levels of exercise intensity. Higher intensity exercise burns more carbohydrates for fuel -and also uses more calories. The fat burn program usually holds us at about 60% of estimated maximum heart rate which is sometimes a good starting point for the person beginning an exercise program. Greater intensities and lengths of time working out will result in more calories burned-which if coupled with reductions in the number of calories eaten, promotes weight loss.

True   False

Muscle and fat are two different tissues. We cannot transform muscle into fat and fat can't turn into muscle. This myth was probably started by older athletes who, after retiring, stop exercising but to continue to eat as if they were still working out. The combination of shrinking muscles from inactivity, coupled with excess calories eaten give the illusion that muscle has been transformed into fat.

True   False
42. Would you believe that bone loss starts to occur around the age of 35! Osteoporosis is starting to be seen as a disease that actually begins in osteoporosis when we are older. Studies of seniors who strength train also show increased youth. Getting adequate calcium in the diet as well as doing resistance training when we are young can strengthen bones and offs in bone mass. So it's ever too late to start lifting weights! If you have osteoporosis or any medical conditions, consult your physician before starting an exercise program and then get proper guidance from an exercise professional on the best exercise to stimulate bone growth.
True   False
43. Women lack the hormones to needed make their muscles big like that of men. Even the biggest of female bodybuilders are smaller than male bodybuilders. Women who have overly large muscles often get them because they lift very heavy weights, exercise for several hours a day, and consume many thousands of calories. Sometimes they are also blessed with muscle fibers that get bigger from strength training. Strength training is something all women should do to improve the quality and quantity of their lives!
True   False
44. Lactic acid, produced from the anaerobic breakdown of carbohydrates causes the feeling of muscle burning and fatigue during exercise. Studies show that most lactic acid is removed from the muscles about one hour after exercise. So, the lactic acid is not around 24-72 hrs later when muscle soreness shows up. The muscle pain that is felt 24-72 hrs after exercise is called delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). Studies show that most DOMS is caused by eccentric muscle contractions ("negatives" as they are sometimes called in the gym). Eccentric muscle contractions occur muscle fibers lengthen, such as when you lower a weight.
True   False
45. Studies show that if you have high cholesterol, consuming soy protein, when combined with a diet that is low in saturated fat can reduce total cholesterol levels by about 9%. Studies also show soy can reduce LDL, the so- called-bad cholesterol, by about 13% and lower triglycerides (blood fats) by about 11%. These effects may take 2 months before they are observed. See your doctor if you have a history of breast or bladder cancer. Some experts theorize that high levels of soy may activate these cancers. This is a controversial area of research but it is best to discuss this with your doctor to be on the safe side.
True   False
46. Studies do not generally show damage to growth plates or other injuries resulting from resistance training in children if they are under the guidance of a professional. Children are not miniature adults and should not lift heavy weights. Before puberty, when testosterone levels are low, children will not increase the size of their muscles from strength training. The focus should be on proper lifting technique and lighter resistances. Manual resistance, body weight resistance, dumbbells and some machines may be appropriate for children.
True   False
47. It's possible for a food to have almost zero fat yet be teeming with calories. Remember, its reductions in calories eaten, not fat, that causes real weight loss.
True   False
48. Muscle and fat weigh the same. Muscle is denser and takes up less space than fat. A pound of muscle and a pound of fat both weigh a pound.
True   False
49. It's estimated that a pound of muscle burns between 20 to 80 extra calories per day. Fat burns essentially zero calories. Thus, adding muscle can help you burn more calories and lose more weight.
True   False